Considering that all the speeches we saw tonight were disjointed messes, it was only natural that Palin’s speech would follow the trend.
Considering that all the speeches we saw tonight were chock full of blatant lies the records of the candidates, it was only natural that Palin’s speech would follow the trend.
Considering that Palin was a virtual unknown 5 days ago, the speech she needed to give to win over America, was not given tonight. Instead, we got a red meat speech geared toward corporate and the fringe “religious” right. In other words, tonight was another wasted night at the Republican National Convention. Palin needed to introduce herself to America and assauge our fears that she was a credible pick for the VP slot. Unfortunately, she turned herself into that friend you bring to a party who proceeds to insult everyone else at the party and their mamas.
While this made for great political theater in the Xcel Center and on TV, the reality is that instead of looking tough, she came off catty and shallow. That’s very unfortunate and as a female, it was offensive and embarrassing. Palin’s speech tonight put a very public and demeaning face on female executives across the country.
For someone with no national experience she touted what little experience she does have as more than Obama or Biden. The only problem is that McCain’s experience is similar to Biden’s only less. How do you walk that back? How does the GOP, logically, say “Well, she has more experience than the Democrats, but not enough experience to be President.”? How do you convince me that a person who left a town of 6000 with a $22M deficit is responsible? How do you convince America that she’s a “reformer” when she not only asked for, but kept the earmarks McCain deplores and she lied about denying?
I wish I could be happy that the RNC finally broke it’s own cathedral high glass ceiling by nominating a female for Vice President. But like with Hillary Clinton, it’s the wrong woman for the job. There are many female Republicans who are not only part of the mainstream, but are smart, efficient capable females who would appeal not just to the fringe “religious” base of the GOP, but to a wider swath of the electorate; moderate Democrats and Republicans and many independents.
As I looked in on blogs, twitter and friendfeed during her speech, I heard the same refrain from most of the Republicans, “This woman is scary.” They felt insulted that her speech mocking Obama also mocked them for their actions. They felt insulted that instead of telling us what they would do without lies and fear, they just repeated the GOP actions of lies and fear. They felt insulted that because they live in big cities, they seem no longer welcome in their own party.
I want to thank Gov. Palin. Tonight’s speech could have been very good and impressive. Clearly, that’s not what the GOP was going for and the speeches leading up to hers proved that. But what her speech did do was not only convince a lot of Republicans and Independents that the GOP is no longer for them, but she also energized the Democratic base.