Pop Culture

Sep 09


Apr 08

The Force is strong with this one

Mar 08

It’s Raining John McCain?

h/t to Poplicks…here is a pro-campaign video that is actually worse than any of those horrid pro-Clinton videos:

I’m trying to figure out what was worse: the message or the singing.

Nov 07


Don’t even ask why I was googling the show, just read.

I just found out that there’s a Hee-Haw website. Like, the official Hee-Haw website. I’ll freely admit that as a kid, I loved parts of Hee-Haw. The cornfield jokes were pretty funny and they still crack me up. Other than that…I could have done without all the country music. Yes. I know. Missing the point of the show. Still, you have to consider that it seemed every freakin’ variety show during that time was dedicated to country music. Tell me I’m lying.

I’d be interested to see something like that today. It would totally crass, with bleeped out cussing, faux-lesbians, rump-shaking something and a bunch of a jackasses. Most famous people today don’t seem to have any real talent beyond not being ugly. To make matters worse, they try to “crossover” into fields they have no place being; William Shatner trying to sing, Shaq trying to rap, Tyra Banks hosting a TV show, Brittany Spears trying to have class, etc…

Aug 07


A couple of days ago, I learned there was a real TV show called Pants Off, Dance Off. I also learned that the contestants are called ‘pancers’.

I feel stupid for knowing such a thing and decided to share to bring down your IQ too.