I know I still need to write about the Spring ArtNight Pasadena we attended on Friday. But before I delve into that, here’s a photo of the kids at Pasadena City Hall.
Mar 09
A photowalk in Chinatown
On Sunday, I thought it would be nice to let the kids get some pictures of LA. The kids were so excited at the prospect, especially since I hooked them up with my old camera cases. Alton got to used Ilia’s old camera and Ilia was given our Samsung to use.
It was a nice day to walk around Chinatown; not too hot nor crowded. The clouds billowing over the skyscrapers downtown caught their attention as much as the red lanterns swaying in the wind. The moment we got out of the car I remembered that I left the xD card for my camera at home.
The kids have always loved Chinatown, but since this was their photowalk, they were calling the shots. The things that fascinated them were just as interesting as the things they walked on by. One shop had several small pillows in the shape of various animals or cartoon charachters. The kids were immediate drawn to them, squishing and hugging whatever pillows were in their reach. But they did not take photos of them. Instead, Ilia focused on the rooflines of the pagoda-like buildings or colorful scrolls hanging in a shop. Alton, took a lot of pictured of people’s feet and the sky,which we found greatly hilarious. He’s so used to see us go down on one knee to take his photo that he thinks that’s how you take photos.
The only downside of the day was when we got home and realized that not only did most of the 121 pictures Ilia and I took on the Samsung were corrupted, but the 13 or so did turn out find can not be accessed. We could harp on that or we revel in the fact that 2.64 miles of walking Chinatown gave the kids a little better insight on that section of LA.
Nov 08
NaBloPoMo is here!
It’s November again, so that means (to me) National Blog Posting Month. If you’re participating this year, please post a link to your NaBloPoMo page and/or blog and I’ll add it to a special NaBloPoMo blogroll. Good luck on your blog postings!
Jul 08
Why does Exposition Park kill my camera battery?
This is odd.
Yesterday, for the 4th time this year, we went to the Natural History Museum. This means walking through the rose garden as Exposition Park. As usual, I fully charged my camera’s battery the night before. I can usually get about 300 photos on one charge. Inside the museum, I took about 12 photos and the battery indicator read ‘full’. Step out to the rose garden and it’s red.
This has happened to me all 4 times this year and 3 times last year. I even take an extra camera that takes AA batteries, making sure the batteries are new. When I whip out that camera, the batteries are dead. My phone, which is fully charged also reads low battery.
It’s the strangest thing. I’ll try to shoot a photo and the camera will just shut down. Once we leave the rose garden, everything is back to reading full. It matters not, where in the rose garden I am. And to make it worse, it only seems to happen to me.
Mysteries of the universe…
Jun 08
Is the Carlin corpse-fucking done?
*Disclaimer*: I’m one of many people who never thought George Carlin was funny and who believed that he ruined Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.
Now, honestly people…why is it that just about every political blog has been spammed with the 30 year old “comedy” bits that weren’t funny 30 years ago? I don’t get it. Carlin didn’t contribute anything to society, at least to the world I lived in, beyond obnoxious holier-than-thou types quoting him like he was a genius or something. And don’t act shocked he died. He was 71 years old. That’s a long time to annoy the hell out of me. Is Carlin another sad icon of “speaking truth to power” by desperate, sheltered and too-afraid-to-defend-themselves liberals who are going to put him on a pedestal like Hunter S. Thompson?
Please tell me because I’m ’bout ready to go upside some heads. What kills me the most are the atheists/anti-religionists are talking about how Carlin is part of some “comedy trinity” (among these types that includes Lenny Bruce and Andy Kaufmann (Y-A-W-N).
Can the corpse-fucking end?
Jun 08
You’ve made me dumb
{seesmic_video:{“url_thumbnail”:{“value”:”http://t.seesmic.com/thumbnail/rfmGIQIdNZ_th1.jpg”}”title”:{“value”:”You’ve Made Me Dumb ”}”videoUri”:{“value”:”http://www.seesmic.com/video/ff2p1FshED”}}}
Teh stoopid is strong with this one.
May 08
The Unoriginal Dana Milbank
It amuses me when I see article from the corporate media that echo something I’ve read in the liberal blogosphere. It’s even funnier when it’s a blatant lift. For a while, I was convinced that Joel Stein was cyberstalking my blog posts and comments. His articles from ’06 – ’07 were way too close to mine. If I blogged or long-commented on something, I could guarantee that Stein would have an article about the same thing in 2 – 3 weeks. So I was absolutely tickled when I opened Milbank’s This is an Ex-Candidate article and noted that it lifted a reference from a March article from Booman.
Apr 08
Weekly Winners 04.13 – 04.19
Find more photos from participants at SarcasticMom the creator of Weekly Winners.
Run Fat Boy Run
The Pan African People’s Arkestra
Lazy Daisy
“SummerSpringtime, and the living is easy”