Broke and Trying to Move

This is difficult. It’s not just the stress, anger, resentment and sentimental bits. This is an uphill battle I’m fighting alone. I’m trying to keep things at home as stable as possible for the kids. I think one day, I should tell them that they’ll be attending new schools…somewhere. Where is the issue.

I have no idea where we’re moving to. I just know I have about 6 weeks to figure it out. This means, at the very least, packing. Sadly, being broke means I can not even buy boxes. There used to be a time where you could go pick up boxes outside a grocery store. Nowadays, they cut the boxes so they can’t be used again or they consider taking boxes “stealing” and will call the cops. Craigslist is useless and no one seems to be getting rid of moving boxes on Freecycle. All of this moot because we have no place to put the boxes.

I’ve learned in the past week that storage areas are expensive. I’ve never used one before and never really thought much of what my friends were spending monthly on their storage places. It’s been eye-opening to see a 5′x5′ space can cost as much as $120 a month. For all of our stuff, we’d need at least a 20′x30′ space. Yes. That’s what I’ve whittled our crap down to.

Of course, it would be less stressful if I could find a place to rent, but lacking funds in the bank makes that impossible. It is slowly dawning on me that there is a very real chance that we’ll have to live in our car (can you imagine 4 people in a Mini Cooper?!) or in a shelter, if I can find one that will take a family, including a husband. Most seem to focus on women & children. I supposed my husband could move in with his mom at that point, but that may be a bit much for the kids to handle along with the move.

It’s times like these where I wish I had learned camping skills or at the very least, had friends or family I could rely on if only for a week. Live and learn. I’ve been homeless before. I didn’t like it, but it was just me. This is very different when there’s two little ones to consider. People tell me things will get better. I hope so.

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  • Oh crap… I sure hope something happens soon where you can either stay put or find a place where you can keep your family together. I don't suppose you're interested in moving to Planet Georgia, I could probably clear out the upstairs bedroom. A tad crowded for a family of four, but roomier than a MiniCooper.

    I guess that's one more advantage of getting older, you only have yourself & spouse to worry about.
  • I'm willing to move anywhere. It's the spouse who is making this difficult. He needs to learn that poor people don't have options. LOL
  • I really wish that we lived near enough to help out in some way. I'm sad to hear that this is going on.
  • Colleen
    Many hugs. Last time I moved (in January), I hit the liquor store up - the boxes are free, and really sturdy. Best of luck!
  • Any or all of you can stay with me, A. I could even go to Noah's or Maidel's. I have an air mattress for the kids. And then you guys could take the bed.
  • debohobo
    I think things will work out okay, you all need to move in with your husband’s mother, it may be cramped, awkward and demoralizing but as a mom we do what we have to. Be honest and open with your kids they'll understand and have a greater appreciation for what it takes to fend for them.

    Head up and shoulders'll make it through and be stronger for it. :)
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