I think my kid’s school is out to make life difficult to for working parents. Last year, I complained about the lack of timely information. This year is no different.
Today, the boy was sent home with a slip of paper informing me that the “Literacy Parade” (read: idiotic name for Halloween Parade) for Pre-K is going to be…tomorrow. The kids, even the ones who normally start school at 11:45am, are to be at school by 8:30am. The Literacy Parade doesn’t even start until 10:30am! This is information that could have been sent home on Monday, though last week would have been better.
Then I notice the other paper, informing me that the Literacy Parade for the K-5 classes is on Friday at 1:15pm. Working parents with a kid in Pre-K and another in the upper grades would have two work days disrupted if they choose to attend.
The school makes a big deal about parent participation, but with poor communication like this, it’s no wonder the parents are unable to attend various school functions.

The How do 9 – 5 parents do it? by Anika Malone, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.