The internet can be a big lifesaver not only to your health, but also to your wallet. Last year, as you may recall, I took up running. That was fun, but with the kids, work demands & constantly getting sick, it was hard for me to exercise. I had the idea that I would walk my kid to school every morning, walk back home, grab the boy and drive over to the gym for a quick workout. I did that exactly once. Real life intruded on my plans. So after driving the kid to school, I’d come back home and work or mess about online.
My solution for fitness became the rare spurts of Dance Dance Revolution on the Xbox and accessing the Fitness module via my cable’s OnDemand. DDR was only worthwhile when the kids were asleep, as they both kept getting underfoot. The same with the Wii Fit I got for my birthday. My daughter insisted that it was always her turn. I love the Wii Fit, but until I figure out how to switch the cables between the Wii and the Xbox, I use whatever is plugged in, which is usually the Xbox. Lucky for us then, that we have a Netflix account. As you may recall, I’ve rented some fitness videos via Netflix. Now with the Xbox Live Gold Membership ($49/year or try Amazon), I can use Watch Instantly to view exercise videos. I have my queue loaded up with various videos that target different areas of the body.
But variety is the spice of life. I remembered using workout videos online after the birth of my 1st child, so I dove into the internet. There are so many more places to get your fitness fix in the comfort of your own home. When I had to cancel my gym membership recently, I stepped up my focus on finding the right exercise combo for me. So, if you’re watching your pennies and are forced to cancel your gym membership or just don’t have the time or inclination to go to gym, here’s a list of sites that have free workout videos:
Fit TV
Exercise TV
Hulu (these videos are mostly Execise TV videos)
iTunes (h/t to Siel for this one)

The Fitness on the cheap by Anika Malone, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.