Deadline February 19th.
Yep, that’s how much money we need to have to come current on our house.
So, it’s pretty clear, this is our last month in this wonderful place. Obviously, we’ve looked and are looking into our options. Even thought the mortgage company offers on paper various options, talking with them the past few months has shown that they are really less than eager to actually allow these options to happen. So, the next 3 weeks will be full of us packing up our belongings, repotting plants that don’t need to be in the ground, and finding a place to stay. That last one is a doozy and kind of paralyzed us.
We got spoiled of being so close to the city without having to actually deal with city traffic and other headaches, so we’d like to stay over here. Besides, the girl is in the middle of Kindergarten and we’re not sure that we’d be able to find another school with an open space in a Spanish dual-language program. Other options just get more suburban; South Pasadena, Alhambra, Pasadena, etc. To make it even more daunting, it’s near impossible to find a place to live in 3 months, let alone 3 weeks. Which leads us to our Plan G: Kansas City.
We may have a free place to stay, but our business is here in CA. Granted, if we find someone willing to take photos for us, we could move anywhere in the world and still keep the business. And it’s cold there. I don’t know that 3 weeks is enough time to mentally prepare myself to move halfway across the country into the cold. And then there’s the logistics of moving our stuff to consider. I don’t know that we can afford to pay a mover, but I do know that we can’t drive a semi-truck through snow-covered mountains.
Hopefully, we will find a working solution soon. Wish us luck!

The $24,760.85 by Anika Malone, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.