Media fairness?
Gag me. I just read a post from Wolf Blitzer who seems suddenly overly concerned about media fairness in regards to candidate time.
With Ralph Nader now in the presidential race, there’s a serious question those of us in the news media have to ask: How much air time do we give him?
Are you serious Wolf? How much time? How about none? None would have been good. My response I posted, but probably won’t get out of “awaiting moderation”:
How about giving him as much air time as you give Rep. Ron Paul or Mike Gravel? Or as much time as you gave Rep. Kucinich, Rep. Hunter and Sen. Dodd or Sen. Biden? Already, the media has decided to collectively ignore Gov. Huckabee, yet for whatever reason, you’ll still paying attention to Sen. Clinton, who’s won only 3 more states than Huckabee did.
Why are you pretending to care about fairness?
This is a station that decided to eleminate half the Democratic candidates that were still running from debates after the middle of January. We’re supposed to think they care about fairness? Remember that they let Giuliani stay on the debates, while they tried to kick Ron Paul off? Despite the fact that Paul had raised more money and got more votes than Giuliani did.
And now we have a guy who’s running for president for the 5th time. In 2004, he got a little over 436K votes out of 122M votes casts, in 2000 he got 1.3M votes. This is a viable candidate? I can guarantee that if I decided to run for president today, I won’t have 15 minutes with Tim Russert to announce. I can also guarantee that if I decided to run for president today I could probably get more than 436K votes.
I get that CNN gives into nutter egomaniacs, I do. After all this is a station that not only has egomaniacs, but they’re racists too (and note, I’m not even going to mention the gambling drunks they have). But don’t insult my intelligence and pretend that you care about fairness in the media. That’s a stinkin’ load.

The Media fairness? by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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