faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…


We finally voted today. The entire family walked down to our polling place and did our part to put Sen. Barack Obama in the White House.

Here’s Ilia after she got her “I voted” sticker:

Then things got a bit much, and she wanted a photo with her sign:

And then she wanted a photo with my ballot stub:

I don’t know why, but there were 4 news crews there. There were 3 outside and one inside the polling place. There was another camera man set up inside recording us vote, but I don’t know who he was with:

And that was our voting day.

I went back to the coffeeshop to pay for my breakfast sandwich I forgot to pay for earlier. I was telling the owner about how I read a post a blogher where someone said they cried when they voted for Hillary. I said, “Shit, if I had to vote for her, I’d cry too.” Everyone in the coffeeshop was very pro-Obama and I met a young lady there who was kind of annoyed that her older relatives were pro-Clinton.

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