faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

ELECTION ‘08: John Edwards out

That’s all the news right now, that John Edwards is dropping out of the race today. I’m kind of stunned. Edwards has always said that he’ll stay in until the party’s convention. Even as recently as Sunday, he said it. I guess he’s giving a speech in New Orleans today at 1pm (EST). I’m really shocked. I hope it has nothing to do with his wife’s cancer. She’s been pretty much gone from the campaign these past few weeks. I read somewhere she was getting more chemo treatments and those alway sap life out you.

Edwards has his delegates up for grabs and something interesting:

Four in 10 Edwards supporters said their second choice in the race is Clinton, while a quarter prefer Obama, according to an Associated Press-Yahoo poll conducted late this month. Both Clinton and Obama would welcome Edwards’ backing and the support of the 56 delegates he had collected.

This completely changes our world. For the Democrats, the options now are between a female and a person of color. I’m so excited!



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