Don’t know what you’ve got…till it’s gone
This is a blog whine, so feel free to ignore it or teach me how to work this thing.
I know I switched my blog over on Monday and I do really like my new template and I am so completely in love with the site search. It’s so pretty. Still…I’m a bit unhappy with WordPress.
See, before Blogger started sucking hard, leaving me unable to alter my widgets for way too long, I decided that the past 6 months of unhappiness weren’t worth it. There are other bloggies in the sea. Right?
- I switched everything over and find that the category to tag converter doesn’t quite work. It converted about 20 tags and then gave me a hearty ‘fuck you’. Sweet.
- I can’t arrange my blogroll in the order I want them. Actually to make it worse, I use for my bookmarks and in Blogger, when I updated my blogroll at, it automatically updated on my blog. Rememeber those UPDATED tags on the blogroll. That was from It was a well oiled machine. Here I had to put some OPML thingy on here and WP determined the order of my blogroll. Alphabetically. Sigh.
- Sitemeter: This is actually my biggest hurt. I was addicted to my sitemeter. I crackdictally checked the referrals page. Bored? I just checked to see how people got to my blog. That functions is gone. WP has something in these templates where you can’t get that info. Now how am I going find out how many times a day ’sean kingston sucks’ is searched? ’tain’t right, ’tain’t fittin’.
- So, I wanted to add a music player. Should be easy. No…WP offers some songeriffic or whatever it’s called. I’ve spent the last 3 days looking for a song that I like or even know. I was getting desperate. That thing had me looking up Apples and Bananas, Happy Birthday or Mary Had a Little Lamb. How is it possible that they don’t have one artist I listen to on that thing? So, I have my Pandora feed posted. The thing that sucks about that is that Pandora offers cute little badgy thingies and even those won’t show in WP. I’d put my Napster links here, but guess what doesn’t work on WP?
- Did you know that a lot of blog toys don’t even work here. How the hell are you guys going to learn if I’m smarter than a 3rd grader (yes), how many 5 year olds I can take on at once (23) or what kind of dessert I am (key lime or lemon meringue)?
- I can’t get my BlogHer badge to work here either. In fact, you may have noticed the delegate counters are missing. Besides the blogroll issue, those won’t work here either. In fact, anything with an <iframe> or <script> tag gets dumped from the widget boxes. That’s just hateful.
- Which brings me to the the fact that I have to pay to edit the CSS of my page and WP still decides which tags to dump. WTF is that about? If I want to fix all the above issues, save the <script> tags, I’ll have to pay for the honor to aggravate myself with stupid CSS. From my way of thinking, If I drop some cash, WP should fix my CSS for me. Or am I wrong?
So, to Blogger, I offer you this:
And maybe I’ll start looking into Typepad.
UPDATED: I just noticed that i had installed the WP blog counter. And that it was actually telling me all the stuff that sitemeter used to tell me.

The Don’t know what you’ve got…till it’s gone by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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