faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

My Trip to the ER

This morning me and my non-insured butt had to go to the ER due to some severe pains. The pains had been going on for some time now, but this morning, my back was killing me AND the cramping in front was driving me insane. I could barely keep from tossing my cookies.

So I get to my wonderful hospital (where every room is private–it seems) and a super hot OB comes in a checks me. When they find out that this is my 8th pregnancy, a sense of urgency takes over. Anyway, the big dork gave me an abdominal U/S. I’m like, “Man, you are NOT going to see much with that. I need a transvag.” Needless say we just saw sac. So they let me wait for and hour to go to radiology.

I got down there, the Dr. gave me an abdominal AND transvaginal U/S. BUT…I never got to see the screen. Although when I got there there was a image up of a fetus of about 23 weeks with no heart or brain. Yikes! Talk about bad. I think the last person to use that machine got fired today from the sounds of it. Anyway, she was inside my good stuff forever. I think I took a nap. LOL. Then she called in another Dr., they both disappeared, then I waited. For another hour.

They finally sent me back to my ER room and I was sweating bullets not knowing what was going on with the U/S. Mr. Sexy Doctor came back to tell me that the baby (just ONE, YES!!!) was fine, measuring right on time (no due date change, YES!), with a strong heartbeat (184) and everything growing where it should be.


I have a cyst on my right ovary. Geez, that makes so much sense. That totally explains the sharp stabbing cramps I’ve had the past few months. Too bad it took me being knocked up to get to the Dr. for it. I’m such a dolt. Anyway, he said it was a complex cyst that’s rather large. I don’t know what that means. Is large the size of walnut? Plum? Grapefruit? Eek! I have no clue. He told me that since I’m pregnant, there is nothing much for me to do except…get this…take Extra Strength Tylenol. If it ruptures, I’m to see the Dr. Gee, feelin’ so much better.

I guess I’m taking this one day at a time. I’m still in a loads of pain, but at least I know why. Apparently, this cyst is also why I’ve been feeling nauseaous the last few months. It’s NOT morning sickness. Sweet!

Anyway, that’s my update. If I ever find an OB, I’ll be able to followup on this sucker in a couple of weeks. Wish me luck.

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