I guess that goes about everything. I have a daughter, who’ll be 2 on the 26th. She’s the coolest kid I know and me and my husband have had a great time with her.
The announcement
Now there’s another on the way. Kinda weird to think there’ll be 2. I mean, I said that if I’m going to have children, then I’m going to have more than one. It’s just that…well to be nice about it…I’m not a good pregnant woman.
I think most woman have this ideal in their heads about pregnancy and so walk around like zombies because their pregnancies aren’t going like that ideal, but they don’t want to break the facade. I’m glad I don’t have those presumptions. Plain and simple, I hated being pregnant. I hated the attention. I hated the weight. I hated the fact I looked like a line-backer. I hated the heartburn, vaginal leakage (TMI? TFB) and sore boobs. Most importantly, I hate the labor part. What’s up with that? Don’t we women suffer enough in life?
Despite all that, I pushed through with no real complaint. Who am I kidding? I bitched and moaned everyday of my pregnancy. By my 21st week, I was begging for the kid to get out. When I was put on bedrest in my 27th week, I thought, “Hmmm, an early baby??? Let’s see how far I can go.” How far I went was 34 weeks. Winding up in the hospital with contractions and those evil nurses stopping them. For 3 more weeks, I plotted my evil plan. Then the stars aligned and I had my bundle of joy at 37 weeks.
So here I am…5 weeks pregnant with my second child. There’s alot of wonder going on. I wonder how we’ll make it financially because we’re barely keeping our heads above water now. I wonder how Ilia will react. I wonder how we will react. I wonder if the new kid will be as cool and as chill as Ilia is. Comparisons aren’t fair, but it’s human nature.

The They say the first one is the hardest by Anika Malone, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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