Shorter Hillary Clinton: Let’s mock hope!
Now you know it’s bad if I’m willingly linking to huffpost, but here it is.
That’s right. What you just saw was a bitter and sad woman, not only spreading her campaign’s smear of the Obama campaign as a cult, but mocking those who hope and wish for a better day. This is a person, who wants those of us supporting Obama right now to vote for her. And she pulls this shit?
Okay, granted the Clinton’s campaign has already written off future supporters who happen to be black, activists, caucu-goers or residents of the states she lost (that would almost half the United States so far). So how does it make sense to attack the remaining people she hasn’t insulted? Yet.
This came the day after channeling Lynne Cheney’s fake outrage on two week old mailers sent from the Obama campaign? I know you saw that video? You squirmed because it was embarrassing to see a sitting Senator and former First Lady throw a public tantrum on stuff that is true. Just like when Lynne Cheney said that John Edwards was a “bad man” for mentioning that her daughter is a lesbian. Which is true.
Now, one reason I say that Clinton pulled a Cheney is that the media led you to believe that Clinton’s outburst was during a rally in Ohio. I thought it odd that you didn’t see the 50 middle-aged white women and 2 black guys behind her, so I doubted it was during a rally. Turns out it wasn’t.
Clinton made her remarks to a cluster of reporters as the crowd dispersed from a rally at an Ohio college gymnasium. Waving the mailings and raising her voice, Clinton accused the Illinois senator of “perpetuating falsehoods.”
If she was really that upset, why didn’t she mention it during the rally?
Here’s Clinton’s outburst where she denigrates speeches and rallies (and pretends like she and John Edwards were on the same page all along):
Here is Obama’s response.
Now which would you rather have in the Oval Office?
What impressed me the most was that Obama could have mentioned the Clinton campaign last minute mailers in NH, MA and WI. The ones on right-to-choose where the campaign lied to the IL chapter of NOW about Sen. Obama’s votes in the IL State Senate to get them to endorse her. The IL chapter of Planned Parenthood has explained those votes and the arrangement with Sen. Obama, but the Clinton campaign continues to send out mailers debunked after New Hampshire.
From the Carbetbagger Report:
The Clinton attack that Obama is being dishonest in calling his plan universal is also itself dishonest if they consider Clinton’s plan to be universal. Incidentally, mailers like this have become quite common this election year. They include mailers which lied about Obama’s position on Social Security and mailers which distorted Obama’s views on abortion rights leading Lorna Brett Howard, the former President of Chicago NOW, to drop her support for Clinton and back Obama. I hope everyone has checked out the videos from Howard and why she supports Obama. Another video everyone should see which compares the two candidates was made by Lawrence Lessig, with both video and transcript here.
If the Clinton’s want to run on this boneheaded healthcare issue that’s fine, but don’t pretend that it’s outrageous when your candidate uses your words to make his point. Don’t pretend like there’s anything untruthful in there, when it’s the words you’ve said and several people have debunked them over the course of the last 5 weeks. But more importantly, you’ve compared Sen. Obama to George Bush and now to Karl Rove. Your fake outrage is pathetic and insulting.

The Shorter Hillary Clinton: Let’s mock hope! by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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