Shorter Hillary Clinton: Black people and activists don’t represent voters
I just saw on PoliticalTicker, this steaming load of crap:
WHITE MARSH, Maryland (CNN) — Hillary Clinton on Monday explained away Barack Obama’s clean sweep of the weekend’s caucuses and primaries as a product of a caucus system that favors “activists” and, in the case of the Louisiana primary, an energized African-American community.
Oh surely, she’s not suggesting anything, right? Read further:
“These are caucus states by and large, or in the case of Louisiana, you know, a very strong and very proud African-American electorate, which I totally respect and understand.”
Clinton has publicly dismissed the caucus voting system since before Super Tuesday, seeking to lower expectations heading into a series of contests that played to Obama’s advantage. His campaign features what many consider to be a stronger and more dedicated grassroots organization than Clinton’s.
Noting that “my husband never did well in caucus states either,” Clinton argued that caucuses are “primarily dominated by activists” and that “they don’t represent the electorate, we know that.” (emphasis mine)
This is me mad
And what the hell does her husband have to do with anything? 3rd term.
Let’s not forget that she won in Nevada, after filing a lawsuit and both Clinton’s whining about how unfair it was. Well, um…so what if there was cheating and lying being done on behalf of the Clinton’s. The caucuses are clearly unfair because Sen. Obama carried something like 97% of the counties in the state.
Below is the not-mad response I posted to Political Ticker, that we can assume will not be approved:
Whoa, talk about deluded. Democrats can’t win in those states? Well, I’ll give her Alaska, but let’s take a look at vote totals:
North Dakota -
Obama 11,625 61%Romney 3,490 36% 8
McCain 2,224 23% 5
Paul 2,082 21% 5
Huckabee 1,947 20% 5
The GOP total for that race is 9,743 votes. I’m sorry, who can’t win North Dakota?Nebraska and Idaho haven’t had their GOP primaries yet, so I have no idea what they’re basing this statement on at all. Other than that, in almost all there races Sen. Obama won, the total number of votes for him alone, are more than what the top two GOP candidates received combined.
And thank you Sen. Clinton for once again, dismissing activists. If it wasn’t for activists, neither you nor Sen. Obama would be where you are today. I’m sure the activists working on your campaign appreciate that unnecessary and unwarranted slam.

The Shorter Hillary Clinton: Black people and activists don’t represent voters by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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