B-Serious lays it out
I finally visited his blog and saw one of the best posts written so far this yea. B-Serious asks us to wonder if certain situations in this presidential campaign were a little different:
- What if Obama lost all of these states by such huge margins (we’re talking 25-35% in many states)?
- What if it was Obama who, despite running on name recognition as the inevitable candidate, could only claim his home state and California as major (hard fought) wins thus far?
- What if Obama had negatives in the low to mid 40s?
There’ s more thought provoking questions over there like:
- What if Obama lost a majority of the swing states on Super Tuesday?
- What if Obama trailed in PLEDGED delegates and could only claim a slim (misleading) lead by counting super delegates (party insiders who can change their mind at the drop of a dime and show loyalty through political favors)?
- What if Obama lost 6 out of 8 primaries (perhaps even 8 or 9 in a row) as Hillary Clinton is expected to lose this week?
You have to visit his site. There’s more questions B-Serious posits. So readers, what you do think would happen? What do you think the media narrative would be? What would the DNC do? Wouldn’t you expect to see someone like Sen. Reid or some Congresswoman on TV bemoaning Obama’s string of losses?
All those whiners who are complaining that Sen. Clinton gets such bad press, do they honestly think the media would treat Obama so tenderly, just putting out the press releases from the campaign with no serious questions asked?

The B-Serious lays it out by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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