faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

ELECTION ‘08: Man, Obama punked out

According to The Page, Obama agreed to two more debates.  He agreed to give The Clinton’s 2 90 minutes shots of free publicity.  That’s some bullshit. One of them is even in Ohio where she really needs the free publicity.  Who in the halibut on the Obama team thought this was a good idea.  Let her fly her ass all over the country and campaign.  They got money.  You know, the Obama team better not start buying her ads.  Let the GOP do that.  Again.

You know what?  He better bring it.  He needs to be the awesome Obama of the last debate, not the polite stutterer of the first debates.  Because remember, she was complaining about the number of debates back in August.  It wasn’t until she had to dig into her pocketbook that free publicity more debates was important.

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