Damn you Jesse Jackson Jr.!
Now the White People know!
I was just over at MyDD and there’s a post there called Obama’s Dog Whistle Politics. The main point of the post is that Jesse Jackson Jr. said this:
(transcript from TPM)
We saw something very clever in the last week of this campaign coming out of Iowa, going into New Hampshire, we saw a sensitivity factor. Something that Mrs. Clinton has not been able to do with voters that she tried in New Hampshire.Not in response to voters — not in response to Katrina, not in response to other issues that have devastated the American people, the war in Iraq, we saw tears in response to her appearance. So her appearance brought her to tears, but not hurricane Katrina.
Yeah. He said it.
And if you are a Black person in this country hooked on politics and know other black people hooked on politics, the same thing was said days ago. IOW, Jackson didn’t say anything new, he just said it to White People.
Dammit. ;P
This started as a post on MyDD, but I said screw it…I’ll put it on my own blog:
Moments after the media plastered her choking up on TV, I heard it from my aunt who used the same exact line, except there were more curse words and The Clenis involved. I was on the phone with family and friends for about an hour after the story posted talking about this. All these people pissed at Clinton for choking up about her fucking hair, when there are loads of other things to get worked up over.
No, it wasn’t lost on anyone and Jackson Jr. just said what people have been saying for the past few days. I got emails asking if I was going to broach the subject on my (largely unread) blog. I said that I wasn’t even going to touch it and those other bloggers didn’t either. Let people figure it out for themselves. After all, if I can get 7 phone calls and 12 IMs moments after the story broke, all saying the same thing, the clearly broader America could get it on their own. If they cared to think for themselves, that is.
On a much broader issue, there is a race dynamic in this campaign that The White People have really had to deal with before. So, this 2nd guessing on blogs and in the media is really amusing to me. I love the verbal contortions and “accidental” slips of the tongue of entrenched racism. Not necessarily talking about any one here (MyDD that is), but to see white bloggers in the liberal blogosphere pretend to worry about race all of a sudden, when they’ve either accepted racism from fellow posters or posted something racist themselves is somewhat amusing to me.
IMO, no matter what Jackson Jr. said, it would be called a “dog whistle” by someone in the blogosphere simply because he is a Black man defending another a Black man. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see people (especially in the liberal blogosphere) hollering for Obama to distance himself from the remarks for various reasons I’m going to be too nice to mention.
So everyone have a field day with Jackson remarks. The Clinton campaign will call foul. Stupid and pointless drama will unfold in the liberal blogosphere (as usual) and the not-so-closeted racists will come out and say things that will be defended (as usual).
Meanwhile, us black folk can keep on keepin’ on and move on to other things. Like the stuff that matters.
Like Sha Na Na.

The Damn you Jesse Jackson Jr.! by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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