CNN Political Ticker…still awaiting moderation
On Political Ticker there is a post regarding last night’s debates. I posted a comment an hour after it was posted and it never showed up. This morning I logged on to see two other comments posted 4 hours after mine, but mine is still “awaiting moderation”.
The post is about Clinton’s large oppo research dump in last night’s debates. The performance that was laughable at best.
1. Clinton didn’t say anything that wasn’t alredy common knowledged
2. Clinton portrayed Obama’s votes as dishonest, but didn’t mention that she voted the same exact way.
3. She managed not to mention that some of those votes were guranteed because of backroom deals by Harry Reid.
Naturally, CNN didn’t report any of this either. That would mean doing research and why should they bother when they just want to tell us what we saw on TV?
My comment then:
fabooj, Los Angeles, CA | January 6, 2008 1:13 am ET Your comment is awaiting moderation. Those lines from Clinton could be harmful for an ignorant sort who takes what they read/hear in the media at face value. What Clinton managed not to say was that she voted the same exact way Obama did and that neither of them really had any wiggle room as Reid had bound their hands with his wrongheaded negotiations on votes. But shouldn’t really expect CNN to tell us facts or do any research. Nope, it’s all she said/he said. Fair and balanced with no substance. Yummy. |
Wonder why that comment is still “awaiting moderation”?
UPDATE (12:10pm): About an hour after I posted this, someone from CNN Political Ticket checked this post. And my comment is still “awaiting moderation”.
UPDATE (5:11pm): Well, after approving 98 comments that were posted both before and after mine, my comment above has been posted.

The CNN Political Ticker…still awaiting moderation by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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