Rain Pryor
So, the other day I got wrapped up in a conversation with a person who thinks they’re always right but they never are. This guy insisted that Rain Pryor was on Head of the Class from ‘88 - 90. I told him that she only did like two episodes and they were both in the ‘88 - ‘89 season.
I had to break out IMDB. Well, he as at least almost right on the years. Can you believe she was only on for two episodes? Years ago, I realized she had a bigger impact on the show than I thought. One night playing TV drinking games with friends, I found that everyone could name her character on the show, but couldn’t name half the main characters. When I told people that she was only on the two episodes, they’d freak. They wouldn’t believe it. I’d breakdown plot lines and they’d still insist I was wrong. Hell, I insist I’m wrong some times. In my memory, I remember her being on the show for two years and being included intro theme song. I remember her having problems with Mr. Hessman and whatever Billy Connelly’s character was named…then again, I also remember Alex Desert being on there and I know for a fact he wasn’t.
So, if for whatever reason you need a trivia question, you can use this one!
The Rain Pryor by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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