faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

Campo Gorilla Reserve


Campo Gorilla Reserve

Yes, all I can say is: WOW. Did you see that place? Can you believe it’s at the Los Angeles Zoo? I can’t and I’ve been “watching” this thing be built for the last almost 5 years. I’m stunned. I’m impressed.

Mommy gorilla

The apes seem to like it, though they did seem extremely wary of the kids. (My GOD, the kids!)
Entering the Gorilla Reserve!

They liked it too. We walked around the exhibit and it was nice until I had to get away from the groups of schoolkids and the Stroller Warriors. There were lull times where you could watch quietly and that was nice.

Hasani and Jabari

That’s Hasani (in the back) and Jabari. Brothers who are in their own enclosure. Hasani kept giving me dirty looks. They were so bad that other people noticed it an mentioned.

Anyway, the enclosure is nice in that it takes you straight to the zebras or you can go a short walk up to the orangutans and elephants. No more walking up that hill to get to that side! We’ll definitely be back. I’ll probably go Christmas Eve when there’s no stinkin’ school groups and the Stroller Warriors are stressed at home trying to be hip Martha Stewart.

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