And another thing
Mission Millworks steals.
Back in March, I had one of my window’s replaced. There was an A/C unit in the window. The guys asked me what to do with it. I told them I had promised it to someone else if I don’t decide to keep it myself. I asked them to put it in the garage or at least in the backyard. I was under the impression they had done so. A couple of weeks later, I was cleaning out the garage and found the A/C unit wasn’t there. I called Mission Millworks to make sure they put it in the garage. 4 days later, I got a voicemail, “The window installers took the unit. Thank you.” That was it!
I called back, and asked if I could have the unit back. The lady said, “Let me look into it.” I called back in May to see where my A/C was or if they’d reimburse me for it. I got a man on the phone who said that there was no unit and that I should stop calling. I called back everyday for 3 weeks. Usually, I’d get hung up on, but sometimes I’d get the lady who’d say that she’ll look into it.
Needless to say, we really needed that A/C unit the past week. It’s such a shame that not only do they allow their workers to steal, but they don’t even take any responsibility for it. Consider that I need to replace 7 more windows and plan on doing it before November, they’ve definitely lost my business. After all, who knows what else they’ll steal?

The And another thing by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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