faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

YEARLYKOS 2007: Presidential Leaderhip Forum

Every single Democratic presidential candidate is on the stage.

Matt Bai introduced them all, everyone got a lot of claps. He announced that it was Sen. Obama’s (D-IL) birthday, so the entire room broke out singing happy birthday to him.

The questions started off with Richardson being asked about his Supreme court answer at a previous debate. He admitted that he was wrong in his thing. Clinton was asked about health care. I’m completely blanking on what Obama was asked about. Edwards was asked something, but didn’t quite answer the question. That didn’t matter to the Edwardnistas, they gave him a standing o anyway.

I suck at this liveblogging stuff, so I’ll probably just post pics and video if I can.

Now they’re taking questions from the audience.

Dodd got a standing o for talking about standing up to BO.

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