Don’t ask me why…but there you have it and I’m not about to swap out the template and stuff again, so we’ll both have to just deal with it.
So, let’s get started. First off, you’ll notice a ‘Register’ button at the top of the screen.

You can go there and register, but most likely you were going to make a comment and saw:

You were probably all kinds of grumbly…”Just who does faboo mama think she is, making me register? She only get like 4 hits a day.” I know…but I don’t know how to bypass it so you’ll either register or we’ll just have to miss you.
You have two options. You can register with email, that means making your own userID or using OpenID.
Each has it’s own pros/cons, just know that if you register by email, the username can not be altered.
Once you’ve registered, you’ll be taken to a dashboard where you can change your profile, including your password. From the dashboard, you’ll see a link back to this site.
Then you’ll be free to move about the cabin.
Once back inside and ready to comment, you’ll see that the comment box is now an Rich-Text Editor.

I can assume that you know what those coded buttons mean since you’ve probably been using them for the last 5+ years. You now have ability to preview your comments and I’m looking to see if there’s a way to make that mandatory in order to comment. You should be able to reply to one another’s posts for threaded comments. Right now, it’s not working and I think it’s a setting I did.
I think that’s it for now. If you run into any glitches that you notice beyond the ones I mentioned above, let me know.
Thank you.
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