faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

ELECTION ‘08: March 4th Votes

Biggest laugh of the night: Hillary Clinton trying to portray herself as a making a comeback in her OH win.  Okay, there’s two here, in her speech tonight, Clinton copied Howard Dean’s Iowa speech.

Biggest glee of the night: Mike Huckebee dropping out of the race.

Biggest snore of the night: John McCazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. McCain.

Biggest shock of the night: Barack Obama won a state.


Yes, it amuses me to no end that even though Clinton was leading in OH by 27 points two weeks ago, 11 - 14 points last week, down to 1pt. and back up to 4 - 11 pts. depending on the poll, there was never a chance of Obama winning OH. So, if in some deluded world, that’s a comeback, then fine. Just don’t expect me to jump on board with that narrative when I’m reality based.

I’m also finding it funny that MSNBC is plugging running with SNL. Keep in mind that SNL is show on NBC, so it makes since that MSNBC would hype it, but really, no one watches SNL, so I doubt that had any effect. Speaking of MSNBC, the weirdest thing is the swift change in narrative. For the past two weeks, on up until just a few hours ago, MSNBC showed us “the math” and how there’s no way the Clinton’s can get more delegates than Obama. Then the Clinton’s talking points went out. The talking points are that Clinton’s on a “comeback” (in these states where she polled ahead) and that the momentum is with Clinton. MSNBC picked it up big time and now they’re running with that.

And this all ties into the Clinton’s whining about the press. Every time the Clinton’s farted, this past week, the media was there to dissect it to death. Meanwhile, we saw that Obama’s responses were ignored or mentioned in passing. As I mentioned earlier, the Clinton’s have dominated the news cycle with the media bending over backwards to make it seem like they’re not being unfair to them (?) they’ve managed to ignore the clear winner of the previous 11 races. It’s like in class, when the teacher spent most of the day focused on that one obnoxious kid and the rest of the kids in class just gets ignored. So, it was amazing to hear Noron ask the panel at MSNBC, if the Obama campaign just couldn’t get their message out, for whatever reason.

Cackling Noron asked that for serious.

Remember that earlier this morning or yesterday, I mentioned that the Clinton’s campaign would move the firewall. It’s was pushed to Pennsylvania (Apr. 22) earlier in the night, and in Clinton’s speech, it was “all the way”. That means June. Is anyone else craving the day where you won’t ever have to hear Clinton’s voice again? It’s never bothered me before, but these past two weeks, it’s nails on the chalkboard and I’m done.

So, we have Wyoming on Saturday and Mississippi next Tuesday. Looks like we have something to look forward to, then.

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