I’ve gotta a badge and I ain’t afraid to use it
Wineymomma gave me this:
It’s mine all mine! What? I have to share it? Read the fine print?
The rules of this award are as follows:
“Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times.”
Ah…a catch.
I got this award on March 5th. It’s taken forever for me to think of people who not only haven’t received the award, but will also share it. So, here goes nothing:
- Angry Black Bitch: Because a bitch brings a righteous smile to my face. I sleep easier knowing that she’s on my side (politically) and is doing her part to help the Democratic party.
- sha-boogie: No one writes about the travails and utter glee of relationships and dating like the Awesome Miss Sha. She’ll have you laughing even during a horrible breakup.
- House in Progress: I’ve read this blog pretty much since it started and I still read it almost daily. I rarely comment though. It’s utter houseporn for me. I get so excited when they’ve completed a projected or found that one thing they were looking for.
- The Prisoner’s Wife: Such beautiful prose. This lady can make grocery shopping poignant.
- Hysterical Raisins: Nobody does parody better than my FBBFF*, Nonie. The girl’s got mad skills.
- InMyHeels: Smart advice on life for women. I highly suggest that every female read these tips to empower yourself.
- Latino Politico: Giving us the news the news won’t give us. The items that are mere blurbs in your local paper, are fleshed out by Man Egee.
- Cosmic Wheel: Incredibly researched and intelligent essays on today’s political culture.
- Black and Missing but not Forgotten: A blog dedicated to the missing non-white woman. Black women and children go missing too. Too bad, our news media is obsessed with the missing StaceyBritneyTaylor.
- Poplicks: Asian culture. Pop culture. Hip-hop culture. All stuck together with bits of law and politics, making a most beautiful Katamari.
And then for the Super Secret Special Selection:
That’s right, you also get this award. So, be sure to share it with your friends
*Fake Best Blog Friend Forever
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The I’ve gotta a badge and I ain’t afraid to use it by

March 10th, 2008 at 5:33 am
I’d like to thank my mother and yes my father for this award. I’ve an entire list of people to thank, like my baby girl, sweetie, I love you! And oh, the ex-boyfriend for finally doing me the favor of breaking up with me but still giving it up on occassion, thanks man!! Oh, and I also want to thank my exhusband for giving me the guts to raise my standards! Thanks man, you totally suck! And I have to give it up to all my union brothers and sisters in the world, without you, I wouldn’t even bother blogging, and I can’t forget the Goddess, this is for you mother! And… (music playing as I’m ushered off stage by all those scab loving progressives who watched Colbert and Stewart…).
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March 10th, 2008 at 8:20 am
LOL…you have to make sure to use the award for good. Harness the power of of the internet and spread it around!
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March 10th, 2008 at 8:31 am
I was a little worried that my humor didn’t “read” in the way I was reading it in my head.
Now, I will harness the power for good, i.e., solidarity.
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March 10th, 2008 at 12:43 pm
A well deserved award!
Awesome.. some new blogs to try out.
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March 11th, 2008 at 6:32 am
Awww thanks so much!
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March 11th, 2008 at 12:36 pm
oh, crap,
thank you so much, fabulous fabooj! when i am sitting here at 2 in the morning saying to myself, “what the hell am i going to post tomorrow?” and wondering why i bother, this comes along to tell me that it’s all worth it. i thank you from the bottom of my cold, callow heart.
now i have to starve myself so i can get a decent gown for the awards ceremony!
hollywood kisses! mmmwwwwahhh
love from your fbff,
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March 11th, 2008 at 1:23 pm
THANK YOU! this is the 2nd one in a few days. what kool aid y’all been drinking? LOL but thanks for the shout sis…i been meaning to ask where you been at. aint seen you around (then again, i haven’t visted either *slaps hand*).
so ummm….this mean i gotta pass it on?
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March 11th, 2008 at 2:50 pm
You guys are all so funny.
TPW, you can pass it along if you like. I’m not enforcing anything.
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March 11th, 2008 at 4:18 pm
THANK YOU for making MY day!
I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the posting and like the site!
I am honored to be listed amongst these other wonderful blogs (which will be what I am spending time on this evening)
I appreciate the shoutout. It feels good to know that ladies for which this blog is intended are reading it.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’mma go call my momma!
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