Why does Exposition Park kill my camera battery?
This is odd.
Yesterday, for the 4th time this year, we went to the Natural History Museum. This means walking through the rose garden as Exposition Park. As usual, I fully charged my camera’s battery the night before. I can usually get about 300 photos on one charge. Inside the museum, I took about 12 photos and the battery indicator read ‘full’. Step out to the rose garden and it’s red.
This has happened to me all 4 times this year and 3 times last year. I even take an extra camera that takes AA batteries, making sure the batteries are new. When I whip out that camera, the batteries are dead. My phone, which is fully charged also reads low battery.
It’s the strangest thing. I’ll try to shoot a photo and the camera will just shut down. Once we leave the rose garden, everything is back to reading full. It matters not, where in the rose garden I am. And to make it worse, it only seems to happen to me.
Mysteries of the universe…
The Why does Exposition Park kill my camera battery? by faboo mama, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
July 7th, 2008 at 5:04 pm
I’m really sorry to hear that your battery dies like that, how weird! I just asked my hubby, he’s a nuclear engineer and he cannot explain it. Maybe it’s just something with you. Does your watch stop as well? It could be something magnetic I guess. Has anyone else taken your camera in there and successfully used it?
I found you on Plurk by the way. I’m on there as tensixteen64
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July 8th, 2008 at 11:13 am
It’s just me. I was with my sister and her husband that day and their camera didn’t die. To make matters wierder, my husband’s phone is always out of juice, but all of a sudden when he goes into the garden, he has full battery power and when he leaves, it drains.
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