faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

The Democratic National Convention is over

What an emotional and historical four days it has been.  There’s a lot to talk about and I’m sure the chuckleheads on cable news are babbling incessantly and stupidly coming up with vapid memes to instigate the Republican party with–that’s their specialty.

You already know how much I cried during Michelle Obama’s speech.  Oddly enough, I did not cry during Sen. Barack Obama’s speech.  I just may be cried out.  It’s amazing to me the range of emotions I feel for this candidate when this time last year I had no plans to vote for him.  I did recognize a year ago that he was going to challenge every state and the American public. That much I gave him.  But I just didn’t think that he could break through the cynicism, apathy and ignorance that is the American voter.  I’m pleased to see that he did.  Even me and you know I’m cynical as hell…I believe.

Watching my friends and family participate in this campaign has been very rewarding.  People who had no idea how our elections worked, are now precinct captains because the took the time to learn and put their best foot forward.  My husband, who was born in a Communist country and looks at our politics as theatre and a vast charade got wrapped up in this election.  Family members who were always active in their local Democratic party, devised ways to help Obama become the frontrunner in the primaries.  These people show what the American public can do when they put their minds and hearts toward a common goal. Tonight, Sen. Obama reminded us as he always does that this election isn’t about him, it’s about the people.  The efforts of these people prove that he was right.

Tonight we watched Sen. Obama become the first black man to accept the nomination for president for a major party.  That’s history and that was moving.  When Sen. Ted Kennedy passed the torch to Obama, that was moving.  And I’m even willing to admit that it was moving when President Bill Clinton, delivering the speech his wife should have given, passed the baton on to Obama.

I hope to never forget this night, this week.


IOKIYAPOW on 12seconds.tv



That’s why I’m ignoring you.  Well, that and the fact that I couldn’t access a damn self-hosted of MU Wordpress blog for the past week or so.  Craptastic stupidity I tell you!

Anyway, I still don’t have much to blog about.  My sister and family have gone back to France.  I got a new phone. I’m crackdicted to plurk. And I still need to use my plane tickets in the next 3 weeks.

To make it worse, nothing of interest has happened politically in like 3 weeks. Not a damn thing.

I’m bored.

I want these fools to pick their running mates already so that I can start mocking the bad choice.  I think that McCain is going to go with Gov. Crist, just based on his most recent stupid shallow comments on
what his VP should look like.  And now that I’ve found that Gov. Crist has gotten engaged to his beard, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a quick wedding before the end of August.

Other than that it’s all McCain saying something stupid, the media ignoring it, McCain surrogate saying something stupid, media almost ignoring it…Media is obsession on how to cover Obama says a lot more about their inherent ignorance and racism than any of the stupid articles from the spring could have.

So, blah, blah, blah….I’ll probably post some of my silly 12seconds.tv clips out of boredom.

John McCain and same-sex marriage

You’ve probably heard that the California Supreme Court has overturned the ban on gay marriage (YAY!) and since it’s an election year, we get to hear what the candidates said. I think that the LGBT community will appreciate Obama’s statement:

Barack Obama has always believed that same-sex couples should enjoy equal rights under the law, and he will continue to fight for civil unions as President. He respects the decision of the California Supreme Court, and continues to believe that states should make their own decisions when it comes to the issue of marriage.

Did you hear it? Ha! It was loud, huh?


Back at the nursing home, McCain babbled something into the speakerbox:

John McCain supports the right of the people of California to recognize marriage as a unique institution sanctioning the union between a man and a woman, just as he did in his home state of Arizona. John McCain doesn’t believe judges should be making these decisions.

Uh…the only problem is is that the CA Surpreme Court was responding to a suit. How the hell can a decision be made in a suit without the judges?

John McCain = nitwit.


Digging for ponies.


What does that mean? John McCain first used it on April 12th, then again today. Atrios has video of today’s reference:

The DNC’s blog mentioned it on the 12th and the author has something of a probable explanation.  Super Blogger Oliver Willis used the expression last year, so maybe he can shed some light.

ELECTION ‘08: One more reason not to vote for McCain

From NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell
Campaigning in Connecticut today, McCain pledged to have a news conference once every two weeks if elected president.

“You’ve gotta have a conversation with the American people,” he said.

Oh my goodness.  The suicide rate in this country would skyrocket if McCain forced himself on the American people every two weeks.  People don’t even want to listen to him nowMy YouTube videos would get more coverage than McCain [s]newsers.  He’s not even half as interesting as Abe Simpson either, so it would be more painful than anything.

I won’t even touch the dunderheadedness of “you’ve gotta have”.  Ugh.

It’s Raining John McCain?

h/t to Poplicks…here is a pro-campaign video that is actually worse than any of those horrid pro-Clinton videos:

I’m trying to figure out what was worse: the message or the singing.

McCain sex scandal?

When I first read about it, I kind of threw up in my mouth.  That’s just nasty.  I read the article and there’s nothing there, so yawn.  And I don’t ever want to think about McCain’s dick.

On the other hand, at least it’s a different kind of scandal for a Republican.  It’s a hetero-scandal.  That’s refreshing and puts the Straight Talk Express in a new light.

ELECTION ‘08: McCain and Obama projected winners in Wisconsin

Thanks Cheeseheads for not paying attention to the negatively lame attacks from the Clinton campaign.

Yes, so that makes it 9 for 9, Obama.

Numbers to come later. Eyes on Hawaii next.


Got MSNBC on an Chris Matthews must be off his meds. He’s talking “looking at the autopsy” and checking “the entrails of this campaign”.