Just Read: Contact by Carl Sagan

Contact Contact by Carl Sagan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I like the movie Contact. True, it’s simplistic, but it’s a fun watch. I realized that we owned the book all this time, yet I had never read it. It’s *amazing* how different, yet similar the book is to the movie. I sort of understand why changes were made, but I do believe the book gave us a more dynamic, yet less sympathetic Dr. Arroway.

One thing I liked was how we followed Ellie Arroway from childhood through the entire message part. Getting a lot more about Ellie’s background made it easier to understand why she was so hollow. Another think I liked in the book was that the religious debates were toned down. To me, the movie kind of hit you over the head with trite arguments.

If you like the movie, I suggest you read the book. If you haven’t watched the movie, I still suggest this book as a good read.

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  • Hey Faboo!
    I have the book, and we've got the movie [somewhere, buried now], and yet I've never watched it!

    {Saw you on Twitter, wanted to say "hi" - miss you at the Great Orange Satan. }
  • Hi shpilk! How are you? Too funny that you haven't watched the movie yet. It is very different, yet very similar to the book. It's strange to see what was changed, but it still manages to make sense. Usually when there's changes to the screenplay adaption, there's bits left out, this is just a entire rewrite of the novel. The movie is "inspired by", if that makes any sense.
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