faboo mama

inside the mind of an opinionated mama…

ELECTION ‘08: Obama won 24 out of 35 races

That’s America right there. Those light blue states that are Obama’s. He won America. He has even outshone the Republican candidates in traditionally strong Republican strongholds.

The darker blue states (save OK) are the states that traditionally vote Democrat, regardless of who’s on the ticket. Those are Clinton states.

I don’t care how much the Clinton’s campaign tries to say that they won “the important states”. I would think that Clinton supporters in those other 11 states would feel a bit hurt at that. The Clinton’s campaign has told us that black voters don’t count as much, that activists don’t represent the electorate. They’ve said that Obama supporters don’t work on weekends (?) and that caucuses are undemocratic (except, I’m assuming for NV where they won). Then they said that the only people voting for Obama are “latte-liberals”. Keep in mind, that if Clinton wins the nomination, she’s going to need these groups and states that don’t count to beat McCain, because clearly she can’t get more than he does in these states.

In the past 4 days, the Clinton campaign has lost 8 races. Even with free press from MSNBC and now CNN, she still lost 8 races. She wants to change the rules mid-game and count the delegates from MI and FL who weren’t supposed to be counted. While she is still using race-baiting tactics, her supporters are crying sexism because people saying the truth about her campaign. No, I’m NOT talking about the Schuster remark. I’m talking about those people who whine about her treatment in the media. Today. She’s gotten a Bush free pass this whole past year. The moment her campaign stumbles, it’s going to be covered. If you’re a female, when you mess up up, it’s NOT sexism to point it out. Those who say it is are fucking morons. These people expect Clinton to be treated differently because she’s a woman. I call bullshit on that. She’s withstood more criticisms and insults in the 90s and I know that some of these same people defending Clinton today were calling her a “bitch” a year ago, 6 months ago, 3 months ago. So don’t feign any type of female solidarity all of a sudden just because you have issues with a black man running for president.

“Oops. I didn’t know I couldn’t talk about you.”

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